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Costs of a journal

Publishing a journal has a cost. Apart from the research time devoted to the production of scientific articles, what other expenses should you think about when you plan to create a scientific journal?

Operational costs

The first item of expenditure is related to the staff. The salaries of the editorial board and the editorial secretariat represent the major part of the costs incurred. Indeed, the journal team spends a lot of time managing the flow of articles, correcting texts, bringing submissions up to standard, etc. The editing process takes time.

While the peer review process is not remunerated, the journals are responsible for organising the evaluation, as pointed out in a document on scientific publications published by the INP: « L’édition scientifique a un prix. Bien que le processus de peer-review soit non rémunéré, son organisation est prise en charge par les éditeurs. Rejeter des articles scientifiques par la voie de peer-review coûte cher ».

Odile Contat and Anne-Solweig Gremillet point out in their study Publier : à quel prix ? Étude sur la structuration des coûts de publication pour les revues françaises en SHS : « On voit clairement dans l’enquête l’importance du temps de travail effectué au niveau du secrétariat de rédaction des revues au moment de la relecture et du travail avec les auteurs. Cette partie majeure du coût éditorial d’un article, est dans la plupart des cas assurée en interne par des professionnels de l’édition employés par les organismes de recherche et/ou par les chercheurs et enseignants chercheurs impliqués dans les revues ».

Publishing costs

Other costs are related to the editing work. We have already mentioned the time spent on page layout, creating a customised layout, compliance with standards, etc. These tasks can be carried out by the journal team or by the team of the platform on which the journal is published.

For example, the centre Mersenne offers services associated with publication, support for the editorial process, an editing service, plagiarism detection, etc. The acquisition of tools such as editing software or a plagiarism detector should also be taken into account. Journal distribution platforms usually include editing software in their services: Open Edition uses Lodel, the Mersenne Centre works with OJS, Prairial has chosen Métopes, etc.

Dissemination costs

The mode of distribution chosen, paper or digital, implies different costs.

Paper distribution

The main cost of distributing a journal in paper form is the printing of the issues and sending them to subscribers.

Digital dissemination

When you publish your own scientific journal online, without using a distribution platform, the costs are multiple. One-off and recurrent costs must be taken into account.

One-off costs include the creation of the website to present the journals: either the site is created by in-house staff or an external company is used.

There are also recurring costs, such as data hosting, which must be renewed each year with the hosting company, as well as the acquisition and renewal of the domain name.

On the other hand, as Odile Contat and Anne-Solweig Gremillet point out: « Nous savons que les tâches les plus externalisées sont la mise en page (prise en charge par l’éditeur ou l’imprimeur) et la conversion XML (prise en charge par l’éditeur ou la plateforme de diffusion numérique), tâches qui sont bien souvent refacturées à la revue ou déduites des ventes papier ou électronique ».

In addition to all this, there is the case of native paper journals that are converting to digital. While new issues can be created directly in digital format, the journal’s antecedents must be digitised, using a character recognition system, tagged, brought up to standard, etc. Benoît Epron underlines, in his Expertise de ressources pour l’édition de revues numériques : « Globalement, le coût de la numérisation réside principalement dans le volume horaire qu’elle nécessite. Cette étape doit également s’effectuer avec des exigences de qualité impliquant un certain niveau d’équipement et de compétence ». Thus, either the digitisation is carried out internally, in which case the purchase of the appropriate equipment and the time spent processing the documents must be taken into account, or it is carried out by an external service provider.