Journals, books, proceedings & seminars

Electronic journal of mathematics dedicated to publishing papers in which algebra and combinatorics interact

The Annales de l’Institut Fourier aims to publish original and high quality articles in all fields of mathematics.

Funded in 1887, this journal publishes articles in all domains of fundamental and applied mathematics.

This review publishes high-quality articles from any area of mathematics

This journal publishes articles in all areas of pure and applied mathematics.

Open access scientific journal in the field of contemporary representation theory

Journal of research in pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, history of mathematics

"Innovations in Graph Theory" is a diamond open access journal in graph theory including its interactions with other areas.

This journal publishes original research articles in mathematics.

This journal publishes articles focusing on number theory and related fields.

This review publishes research announcements in all branches of mathematics, short complete papers of original research, and review articles

The main objective of this journal is to promote the interaction of mathematics with other disciplines.

This journal is a non-profit, volunteer-run, double blind peer-reviewed scientific journal in geomechanics.

This journal publishes original and high-quality articles dealing with every aspect of mathematical optimization

This journal publishes PCI-recommended articles in open access

Open access scientific journal offering research articles, review articles, conference proceedings, advanced courses

This journal publishes both theoretical and applied research in the field of Artificial Intelligence

This journal publishes articles on the design and analysis of algorithms for computing the numerical solution of mathematical problems arising in applications