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The Centre Mersenne and the General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation entered into force on May 25, 2018. The website of the centre Mersenne must comply with the 2016/679 Directive of the European Parliament.

The centre Mersenne is implementing measures to guarantee an optimum data protection and a minimal data collection.

Privacy policy

As a reminder, the Centre Mersenne is a comprehensive publishing infrastructure for research scientific publications. It offers an open access hosting and dissemination platform for journals, books and proceedings.

It also offers a set of modular technical and publishing services for editorial teams to help them manage a journal.

A publication gathers articles and metadata. Each publication is available in open access. It is then available for free, without any legal and technical barrier.

For the smooth running of the Mersenne website and of the Publication websites, the Centre Mersenne processes personal data concerning the User.

Owner and data controller

150 rue de la Chimie – CS 40700
38 058 Grenoble cedex 9

Data and Processing

The Centre Mersenne processes the following data:

Actions Data processed Types of processing
Browsing on the Mersenne website and Publication websites  Logs Collection, registration, preservation and destruction
Articles downloading  Logs Collection, registration, preservation and destruction


Personal data ‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person” (
Personal Data Processing ‘Processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Personal data concerning partners

The Mersenne website and the Publication websites also disseminate personal data concerning teams and partners of the Centre Mersenne (Centre Mersenne’s staff, scientific council members, editorial committee members…) : name, surname, affiliation, email address.


The Centre Mersenne, via its platform, doesn’t sell Users and constributors personal data (editoris, reviewers and authors). Information we collect have deliberately been entered by Users and contributors, through actions on their behalf (connexion, browsing, submission, uploading…).

Data can be trasnmitted to third parties if the law requires it.

Why processing personal data?

User Data is collected to enable the Mersenne Centre to provide its services, as well as for the following purposes:

      • For the secure browsing of the Mersenne website and the Publication websites and the proper functioning of the service (to detect, avoid or trace any attempt at malicious intent or computer intrusion or any violation of the terms of use of the Mersenne and Publication websites).

      • To allow free dissemination, archiving, indexation of articles and metadata

      • For transparency principle

    The aim is to build an accessible digital publication and to ensure the technical functioning of the site.

    The rights of Users

    Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by the Owner. In particular, Users have the right to do the following:

        • Modification or deletion of login information

        • Modification or deletion of personal data published on the Mersenne website or on the Publications websites.  

      To that end, please contact the Centre Mersenne to the following address:

      Beware, data of an article already published (PDF) can not be modified.


      Processing details

      Browsing Mersenne Website and Publication Websites

      The User accesses the Mersenne Website and Publication Websites for the following reasons:

          • Safely searching and reading documents hosted on the Mersenne Website and Publication Websites,

          • Reading informations of the Mersenne Website and Publication Websites

          • Access third-party websites

        For each of these actions, personal data are collected and processed.

        Types of data

        Logs are collected and saved to analyse server behaviour and possible malfunctions.

        The data recorded in the logs are  : IP address, date, request made (in the form of a URL), browser type and response status.

        Types of processing

        Collection, registration, preservation and destruction


        Mathdoc IT service

        Articles Downloading

        Any User can download open access articles, published by the Publication Website of a Publisher, hosted on the Mersenne platform.

        Each article is published under a licence. It is the responsibility of the User to acquaint himself with it.

        Types of data

        Logs are collected and saved to analyse server behaviour and possible malfunctions.

        The data recorded in the logs are  : IP address, date, request made (in the form of a URL), browser type and response status.

        Types of processing

        Collection, registration, preservation and destruction


        Mathdoc IT service

        Data back-up, retention and security


        We implement a variety of security measures to preserve the integrity of your personal information. The computers and servers used to store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

        Logical files security:

            • Restricted access to server, with authentification via encrypted channel

            • User data in a searchable MySQL database for the OJS application alone

            • Storage of encrypted passwords (authentification using the cryptographic hash)

            • Hardware preservation with snap-in disk


              • Restricted access (physical and network)

              • Professional secrecy


            The personal data we collect is stored and kept absolutely confidential in a secure environment to provide you with the best service.

            All data from the Mersenne site and the Publication sites are stored and hosted by Mathrice.

            UCBL – bât Braconnier
            21 av Claude Bernard
            69622 VILLEURBANNE cedex


            Tél : 04-72-44-85-24

            Duration of data retention

            Data are saved 12 months:

                • 3 months as recent archives

                • 9 months as intermediate archives