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This toolkit is aimed at the editorial teams of scientific journals, but also at anyone interested in open science and the distribution of open access journals. – PackshotCreator – 3D printed puzzle”
by Creative Tools is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Here you’ll find a wealth of resources for setting up a journal: what are the legal requirements? Who can own the title of the journal? How to reference your journal? and so on.

This toolbox also contains more general information on open access publishing: what are the different licences? What is Sherpa Romeo for? How to avoid plagiarism? and so on.

Publishing agreements

The publishing agreement, also known as a publishing contract or copyright assignment contract, is an agreement between the journal (the legal entity producing the journal) and the article's author. It defines, in a clear and unequivocal manner, which intellectual property rights are...

Archiving with CLOCKSS

The centre Mersenne uses the services of CLOCKKS to perpetuate the archives of its articles. It is a permanent archiving solution using a replication system...

Why choose a publishing platform?

It may be tempting for an editorial office to publish its journal on a research centre's website, for example, or to create a page dedicated to its journal. It is indeed quite simple to create a web page and...
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Creating a journal
Dissemination of research
Ethics and research
Open Access stakeholders