The semi-automatic translation tool for scientific articles resulting from the partnership between the centre Mersenne and the Académie des sciences has just been launched!
This tool, launched at the end of November 2023 on the three series of the Académie des sciences, allows any reader to suggest a translation in the language of their choice of an original article published in French or English, on the Comptes Rendus Géosciences, Comptes Rendus Chimie and Comptes Rendus Biologies of Académie des sciences, published since 2020.
How to translate?
Start a translation
To start translating an article, simply identify the article you are interested in, select the target language and start the pre-translation.
It is then up to you to ensure that this pre-translation is accurate and correct, to correct it if necessary, and then to submit it.

In which language?
Currently, the articles in the Comptes Rendus are written in one of the following two languages: French and English.
It is therefore possible to launch a translation in any language based on the Latin alphabet for the time being (eventually, all languages will be accessible for translation).
Who can translate?
From now on, any collaborator can, as soon as they have the DOI of the article they wish to translate, launch the translation of an article via a generative translation tool.
But there are ethical rules to be observed in this process:
- Translators need to be familiar with the discipline.
- These translations must be faithful: no personal additions, comments or additions to the text…
- The collaborator also undertakes to check that the pre-translation is faithful, that it respects the author’s words and theses and that there are no errors. In case of errors, it undertakes to correct them.
Content moderation guaranteed
The Academie des sciences editorial team will be responsible for moderating the translations to ensure that any content added does not contravene the law. If necessary, the Academie team may refuse a translation.
In addition, no scientific moderation will be applied, except in exceptional circumstances.
Open access translations, notifying the authors
Each translation will be published on the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences website, alongside the original article, and will be freely and immediately accessible under a CC-BY 4.0 licence.a
Any contributor will be notified as the author of the translation.
Why a semi-automatic translation solution?
The main aim of this solution is to promote the dissemination of science to as many people as possible, in accordance with the principles of open science, since the translations are published under a CC-BY licence on the journal websites.
The solution, which is easy to use and intuitive, facilitates the translation process by pre-translating the article, so that the contributor can concentrate on correcting and improving the writing.
The solution can now be used to translate articles published in the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences (currently in the Géosciences, Chimie and Biologies series only) into a range of languages (currently in the Latin alphabet only).