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Dissemination tools

The centre Mersenne is constantly developing new features for the journals’ websites.

This feature allows a list of “recommended” articles to be associated with a given article and displayed in the article’s record. Currently, this functionality has only been implemented for the Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences.

The list of linked articles is established automatically according to certain criteria (title, abstract, body of the text, author, English and French keywords) or manually in the back-office provided by the journal.

Example of articles suggested by the article suggestion tool


  • Feature managed and set up by the journal.
  • A maximum of 3 articles are displayed
  • If no articles are found (manually or automatically), the block of linked articles is not displayed
  • Articles must be hosted by the centre Mersenne

This feature allows, on the page of a given article, the display of references citing this article.

Sources : Crossref, zbMATH.

Example of references generated by the Cited-by tool

Journals may display an illustration in the table of contents of an issue and on the article’s record. The back-office available to the editorial committee allows them to choose the visual to be displayed.

Screenshot of Comptes rendus Chimie showing illustrations of articles. An extract from the list of journal issues is shown. To the left of each item, an image appears to illustrate the issue.

Each journal can build up a virtual collection from articles published in the journal, whether recent or old.
E.g. a tribute to a researcher, an issue on a particular theme…

This collection can be added to over time.

Simply add the DOI of each article to add to your collection.

The “Online comments” option is a new feature that allows any researcher to comment on a journal article.

This opportunity to comment is only open to participants who have been authenticated with an ORCID number.

Image of the login interface for posting a comment.

The contributor and the editorial team each have a dedicated dashboard for monitoring and moderating comments, and retain the final say on publication.

The semi-automatic translation function allows a journal to give a contributor the option of translating an article published in the journal into a language of their choice.

Once the article has been selected, the tool generates a pre-translation using the MateCat computer-assisted translation (CAT) tool and the ModernMT translation engine.

Pre-translation which the contributor will check, correct and improve if necessary, before submitting for moderation by the journal.

Contributors must be logged in to take part.

The contributor and the editorial team each have a dedicated dashboard for monitoring and moderating translations.