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CNRS Cristal collectif

The centre Mersenne team is the winner of the Cristal collectif du CNRS 2023.

Semi-automatic translation project for scientific articles with the Academie des Sciences

The centre Mersenne and the Académie des Sciences have once again joined forces on a semi-automatic translation project, supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the French Ministry of Culture, which combines the production of translation corpora and the development of a tool for semi-automatic translation of scientific articles.
Mathdoc recrute un.e dé

Mathdoc is recruiting a developer

Mathdoc is hiring a project manager or software engineering expert in NOEMI who will be assigned 50% to Mathdoc and 50% to AMIES.

The conference on Open access scientific publishing will be held.

The centre Mersenne is organising a conference on open access scientific publishing on 28 March 2023 at IMAG on the campus of the Université Grenoble Alpes.


When you think about plagiarism, you immediately imagine the reproduction of a text without citing the references. However, there are many more variations on plagiarism than you might think.