What is Mir@bel?
Mir@bel is a contraction of “Mutualisation d’Informations sur les Revues et leurs Accès dans les Bases En Ligne” (Mutualisation of Information on Journals and their Access in Online Databases). It is a portal for reporting access to French electronic scientific journals.
Reporting of scientific journals
The platform has, at the end of 2021, 10289 journals reported by network members and semi-automated harvesting of access platforms to scientific literature. These are mainly French journals.
Searching for journals
The Mir@bel homepage offers several search tools: simple search, advanced search, thematic search. The advanced search allows you to refine your search and select, for example, only those journals that offer full text access:

Presentation of results
For each journal, Mir@bel offers a history of the journal: its different titles and ISSN, the successive publishers and the corresponding years. The result page then presents bibliographic information about the journal, including its publication policy if the data has been entered into Mir@bel. This is followed by a list of accesses to the contents of the journal, sometimes in full text, and finally information on the updating of information.
Let’s take the example of the Comptes rendus. Mathématique :

Statement of distribution policies
Since 30 June 2021, Mir@bel offers journals and publishers the possibility to declare their distribution policy. Currently in beta testing, this service should be operational by the end of 2021.
For each journal, the editorial team must fill in a questionnaire in order to determine the full extent of the distribution policy: journal model, embargo, copyright, Creative Commons licence, link to the journal’s page presenting the distribution policy. An expert view allows you to modify the information if necessary.
Once the data has been recorded, you can ask Mir@bel to transmit your distribution policy to Sherpa Romeo . Mir@bel displays the data from Sherpa Romeo on its website, translated into French.

It is important to note that the link to the URL describing the dissemination policy on the journal’s website is essential in order to be indexed on certain platforms such as the DOAJ.
Koha Plugin ⇄Mir@bel
Tamil has developed an extension for the Koha ILS (Integrated Library Management System). This extension allows libraries to enrich their consultation interface with Mir@bel data:

The ENTPE library, for example, has installed the plugin: see an example of a record enriched with Mir@bel content.
How to appear on Mir@bel?
In general
Mir@bel data is updated by the network partners and by harvesting databases. The partners are publishers or libraries, educational institutions, UMRs, etc. The list of harvested databases is available on the Mir@bel website.
For the centre Mersenne journals
All centre Mersenne journals appear in Mir@bel. Our teams take care of notifying Mir@bel of the creation of a new journal and the declaration of its publication policy.