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Access to Turnitin’s iThenticate plagiarism detection tool, via Crossref’s Similarity Check service, to submit articles for plagiarism detection.

The editorial team has access to this tool to submit documents. These are then analysed against the entire Crossref database of millions of academic articles and websites.

* Crossref is a not-for-profit organization that provides tools and services (DOI registration, Simlilarity Check…) helping interlinking scholarly documents (journals, books, proceedings, working papers, data sets…

The Centre Mersenne can help the journal’s editorial team manage the peer review process using the Open Journal System software (OJS):

  • Managing of the editorial flow and the peer review process,
  • Contacts wih authors,
  • Coordination of the editorial team, reviewers, editors…
The Centre Mersenne offers different solutions:
  • printing per volume (or other periodicity) to address the archiving needs of academic libraries,
  • print on demand, at one or more partners, of open access content.

See our prices for Plagiarism Detection and Managing Editor.

Printing prices to be determined according to the demand.