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Support to Editorial process with an Editorial Management Software

Editorial management tools facilitate monitoring of the process (from submission to publication) by the editorial team (centralization of exchanges, automatic reminders to reviewers and editors, management of revision cycles, etc.).

The Centre Mersenne offers installation, configuration according to the specific organization of the magazine, hosting and maintenance of editorial management software such as OJS (developed as part of the Public Knowledge Project) to help the editorial team better manage the flow.

Each publication has its own editorial management software, configured by the Centre Mersenne, but managed independently.

Installation and configuration of an instance of an Editorial Management Software

Each publication has its own instance of editorial management software, which it manages autonomously via a private area. The installation is very quick, which means that the software can be used quickly.

  • Configuration according to editorial process: each journal’s instance will be configured and customized according to the journal’s editorial policy, peer review process and software operation. The Mersenne team accompanies the editorial team throughout the process.
  • Testing and validation of the proper functioning of the instance.
  • The Centre Mersenne hosts the software instance for each review, and backs-up the files and data history.
  • It also keeps the software running smoothly and up-to-date.
  • Initial support is offered to make the software easier to get started.
  • The Centre Mersenne provides the necessary documentation and technical support.

*Training: in parallel, the Centre Mersenne is setting up a network of experienced users who will be able to participate in the training of new users.

Example of OJS interface


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